Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage uses a blend of manipulative movements typically applied with deep pressure. Techniques such as; muscle stripping, myofascial release, frictioning and trigger point therapy are techniques commonly used to relieve symptoms of aches, pains and chronic conditions.


Deep Tissue Massage

Consistently firm and appropriate pressures are applied to release deep layers of tissue including; restricted muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (protective layers surrounding muscles, bones and joints), restoring a balance to the entire body system.

While your Therapeutic massage is being delivered, you will receive a full body Far Infrared TAO ProMat session for 1Hr, Shiatsu - Foot pillow session and heated towel application for problem areas to facilitate a lasting treatment. Products such as; Sacred Earth Botanicals, New Directions Aromatics and Sonos personalized relaxational music will elevate your Therapeutic massage experience to new levels.

Deep tissue massage is recommended for individuals suffering from persistent tension, soreness, pain and decreased range of motion.

Unique therapy for the treatment of:

Neck & shoulder tension
Low back/sciatica pain
Sports injuries

Headaches & migraines
Whiplash or falls
Pain management
Over-use injuries

Service Pricing:

Therapeutic Massage
60 minutes — $110 + HST


“Therapeutic massage requires a specific focus & skill, which develops into a custom design for your areas of particular soreness and tension."

Gail Thompson